Student loans are a harsh reality for students all over the country. Now that they’ve earned their degree, the question comes up of how to pay the thousands of dollars that they borrowed back. Many students go to school and focus on their grades, but don’t...
Retirees Can Participate in Lifelong Learning and Social Engagement at Colleges An increasing number of retirees are now on college campuses, seeking learning, culture, and social interaction. Some live year-round on the campuses in buildings designed for senior...
Traditional degree programs take place in a college or university from all around the world. With the help of technology, students can now earn their degree online. Over the years, more and more online degree programs have emerged. With so many popping up and...
When discussing the importance of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers, the focus often lies on creating a more diverse workplace. But in order to better understand why women in STEM fields matter, one must look at the impact that...
As we kick off 2019, it is crucial to understand how higher education will evolve in the coming year. As concerns about government funding and the transition of students skills into the workplace remain at the forefront, we will see many new approaches and trending...