As the coronavirus pandemic, also referred to as COVID-19, sweeps the world, many businesses and citizens are taking a very large hit. With quarantine and lockdown in full effect, many places around the country are being shut down. To reduce the spread of the virus by cutting down on large groups of people, college and university campuses are being shut down as well. Beyond transitioning to all classes being held online, the coronavirus is having a major impact on college students and universities as a whole:
International Students
Many students choose to study abroad for a year in college and this year showed no difference, However, with the coronavirus impacting the world, this could have detrimental effects. Whether it is American students studying abroad or international students coming to college in the United State, they are being greatly affected by the pandemic. With so many concerns of not being able to come back home, many colleges and universities have in the U.S. have suspended study abroad programs, asking students to remain home instead for their spring break and after.
2020 Admissions Cycle
College admissions are taking a large blow due to this worldwide pandemic as well. There are many students who have already applied to university and waiting for their admissions responses that are concerned the coronavirus will affect admissions decisions. Universities and colleges have announced the outbreak will have no impact on admissions or their evaluation, but the worry is still there. There could also be lower international admissions due to the lowered access to standardized testing in Asia, Middles East, and Europe.
Changes to Extracurricular Activities
One of the major cornerstones to college as a student and an educator is the extracurricular actives. Due to the coronavirus, this cornerstone has taken a major hit. Athletic and other extracurricular activities have been cancel or postpone events since all of them require club meetings, performances, social events, athletic team practices, and sporting events which all involve close human contact that could lead to spreading the virus. This can have a major effect on a student’s life after college because they are now being denied the chance to socialize and make connections to better their future.